Owosso Workplace Excellence Workshop

Our Monthly Workplace Excellence Workshops are held from 10:00am - 12:00pm on the first three Thursdays of the month at our Owosso Service Center. (Except Holidays)
1975 West M-21 (2nd Floor), Owosso, Michigan 48867

1st Thursday - Present-ability | Depend-ability | Reason-ability
Companies need employees who positively display their image. In this workshop, participants will gain a basic understanding of excellent professional presentation and how to maintain a productive mindset. Participants will also learn a 5-step process to maximize their time and increase their dependability in the workplace.

2nd Thursday - Communication-ability | Write-ability | Respect-ability
This workshop will help individuals gain tools to improve verbal, non- verbal, and written communication in the workplace. Participants will also gain an understanding of the five generations in the workforce, and learn strategies to appreciate differences, play to everyone's strengths, and improve the ability to thrive.

3rd Thursday - Adapt-ability | Transition-ability | Work-ability
Today's workplace is changing faster than ever, and companies need employees to respond appropriately and efficiently. Participants in this workshop will learn strategies for succeeding and changing environment, improving personal adaptability, managing stress, preparing for a new job, maintaining life/work balance and supporting the employer's bottom-line.

Please fill out the form below to register.

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